DISPLAYCE, the French DSP specialising in DOOH (Digital-Out-Of-Home), publishes an infographic on the evolution of DOOH buying in France.

It follows a survey of multi-media agencies, independent trading desks and agency trading desks conducted between 15 March and 19 April 2021.

The study reveals that 79% of DOOH buyers will be using RTB programmatic by the end of the year and prefer a specialist DSP. Furthermore, 84% of buyers plan to increase their DOOH investments in the next 6 to 12 months.

“Easy to deploy and ultra flexible, programmatic DOOH is particularly well suited to the fluctuating context we have been experiencing for several months. Its strong capacity to reconcile precision, agility and hyper-localized mass communication, make it an ally of choice for brands and agencies. The data from the survey suggests a strong recovery in the coming months,” concludes Laure Malergue, Founder and CEO of DISPLAYCE.

DISPLAYCE, first DSP dedicated to DOOH (Digital-Out-Of-Home), reveals the second part of its series of infographics in French on “Le DOOH en France”. Based on a survey conducted among a panel of 200 active users of the platform*, as well as statistics disseminated by the IAB, Mad conseil or IPG Media Lab, this infographic aims to deliver some key figures on this growing media.


The fastest growing media

With a 16.1% increase in net advertising revenue in 2017, DOOH is leading other media outlets, ahead of the Internet (+ 12%) and TV (+ 1%). Radio, OOH (Out-of-home excluding digital) and press show a drop of up to -7.4% according to the figures announced by the Irep, France Pub and Kantar Media.


A revenue perspective rising sharply

With revenue generated of 125 million euros in 2017 and a forecast of 223 million euros in 2019, the study “Entertainment and Media Outlook France” from PwC confirms the upward trend of planned investments in DOOH.


DOOH seduces!

According to a recent survey conducted by DISPLAYCE, 68% of advertisers said that DOOH increases their notoriety, 64% that it serves to increase the generation of traffic at the point of sale and 40% that it makes it possible to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Key assets for this innovative media, whose share will double in media plans in 2018.


*Statistical data from a survey conducted by DISPLAYCE from October 16 to November 15, 2017 among 200 active users of the platform. Survey conducted via an interactive form sent by email on “The DOOH market in France”.


DISPLAYCE, first DSP dedicated to DOOH (Digital-Out-Of-Home), reveals the first part of its series of infographics in French on “The DOOH in France”. Based on a survey conducted among a panel of 200 active users of the platform*, as well as statistics disseminated by the IAB, Mad conseil or IPG Media Lab, this infographic aims to deliver some key figures on this media which growing.


DOOH, what is it?
The DOOH (Digital Out Of Home) is the advertising broadcast on digital posters outside the home. Integrated into the urban landscape, such as the street, gas stations, highways, shopping centers, hotels, fitness rooms, 40,000 digital posters accompany consumers in their daily journeys throughout the day.

The highest growth in 2017
According to an IREP study, the DOOH is the highest growth media in 2017. With 85 million of euro in advertising revenue for the period January/September 2017, the DOOH shows +15.5% growth, placing it at the head of historical media such as TV, radio, press, cinema…

An impacting media
For 85% of consumers surveyed, digital posters help to improve the brand image. Appreciated by consumers, it is also popular with advertisers attracted by its many strengths: the innovative video content that it can broadcast, the high rate of memorization observed, commitment to targets in full mobility.


Did you know?
DISPLAYCE has a large network of 35,000 digital posters, more than 85% of the French digital inventory!


*Statistical data from a survey conducted by DISPLAYCE from October 16 to November 15, 2017 among 200 active users of the platform. Survey conducted via an interactive form sent by email on “The DOOH market in France”.


To read the press release (French), click here.