DOOH learnings

Digital display, the top growing media!

6 Dec 2017

Irep, Kantar media and France Pub announce the latest result of the media advertising market, the study was undertaken over a 9-month time span from January to September 2017.


The 3 quarters of 2017 show a drop-in ad revenues for traditional medias: Radio: – 4,2%, TV: -0,3%, National dailies: -9,4%, Magazine: -11,1%.

Only 3 media are standing out having a substantial growth: Cinema +11,7%, Leaflets without addresses +2,8% and… Digital display with + 15,5%! This trend observed since several quarters allows this media to reach 85 million euros in advertising in the period January – September 2017. To this growth, we must add the increase in the number of advertisers (+2% between January – September 2016 and the same given period in 2017).

This positive dynamic augur a great acceleration for digital display in 2018.


To see the whole study: CLICK HERE (FRENCH)